Carlo Bisda Home >About Me >Blog >Projects >Writings >Paradigm >Links


cli-rpg: CLI based RPG, simple enough to pass time at work KEKW.
forexTools: various tools for forex trading.
projScarlet: thinking about creating a language model based off myself

zzplay: command line music player using Python.
machineLearning: starting a project on machine learning my voice
so I can use it for various projects I am forking
out of this one.
hundrednightparade: just an idea so far.
dubW: WIP, just an idea so far.

dailybug: CLI news aggregator | might not need this for now
simpleRogue: terminal roguelike game | game dev cancelled
cyberhackEmpire: CLI rougelike | game dev cancelled

zzClusterEm CLI email marketing tool.
zzEmailMiner CLI email mining tool that extracts email addresses from txt files
fortune-cookie: from the old Debian fortune-mod
matrixEffect: CLI matrix terminal effect
lvlGen: CLI ASCII random dungeon creator (ala Rogue style).
qPassword: CLI password generator
carlobisdadotcom: v4, convert whole site into Vanilla HTML web dev project for small company; HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap and SEO
digitalHustle: minimalistic Wordpress theme (deprecated)
Anime-Nagasaki: closed chess game program, edited files and settings for a more anime themed game
JetTarkov: server edits for a customized game world
AKI Launcher: launcher circumvention to bypass security check
personalRust: custom RUST PVE server


carlobisda is (c) 1984-2023 by carlob (carlobisda at hotmail dot c0m)
this is my personal blog. these ideas are mine and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer and coworkers.
website design created by Carlo Bisda (c) Vanilla HTML