Carlo Bisda Home >About Me >Blog >Projects >Writings >Paradigm >Links


XN: cool cybersec minded developer
Bugswriter: geeky linux love
Rachel By The Bay: not really sure
REDDIT: nuff said
Darknet Diaries: cybersec podcast l33t blogging platform
Jessica Janiuk: geeky/cool blog
TryHackMe: my playground
HackTricks: "book" I'm reading
ScammerPayback YT: nuff said
Trace Labs: i love these kind of things


carlobisda is (c) 1984-2023 by carlob (carlobisda at hotmail dot c0m)
this is my personal blog. these ideas are mine and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer and coworkers.
website design created by Carlo Bisda (c) Vanilla HTML