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This is a repository, but serves more as a manifesto and a personal
tome of wisdom, which also serves as a reminder for myself (because to
be honest, my mind goes into alot of paths).


I've been a humanist at early age and I will probably start to delve into it
more in some way, shape and form through online means.

My ideas and philosophies are currently in a state of work in progress. There
is so much to learn and synthesize and once I think I have some sort of grasp
or footing on a matter, a new term or idea pops out that I have to investigate
and learn.


Since I got my old PC, there was no way to escape the path of being a hacker. For
a more intimate reading that reflects my personal ideas of hacking; google
"The Hacker Manifesto" and "The Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling

I'm essentially a cyberpunk kiddie LOL.


My personal philosophy is a mix of Eastern and Western thinkings, I am still working on
crystalizing my own philosophy ideals into some sort of concrete piece of work but for now,
I will just list the notable thinkers (or ideas) that has influenced my way of thinking.

Bruce Lee, Miyamoto Musashi, Socrates, Carl Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jordan Peterson (WIP),
Che Guevara, The Clash, Jack White, Stoicism, Bushido, Taoism, Dadaism, Minimalism,


"an unexamined life is not worth living." --Socrates

last edit: 09182023


carlobisda is (c) 1984-2023 by carlob (carlobisda at hotmail dot c0m)
this is my personal blog. these ideas are mine and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer and coworkers.
website design created by Carlo Bisda (c) Vanilla HTML