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Weekly Review - 08042024/h3>

July is finally the first profitable month for my side gig, a cool $400, not bad at all.
Still waiting for my tennis rackets, MADGE and SADGE, because I waited so long for them to
arrive, still waiting. If it fails, I would be more pissed because of the wait - I could've
bought other rackets to prep for tourneys.

Wealth Macro Goals: Boost the sales side of things, should I add another revenue stream
or should this be enough? TBF, I'm also working on a trading/investing system so with my day job
, plus my sales and trading - that's 3 streams, and technically if I do some sales in Traingle,
that's an EZ 4th stream. The current goal is to have a consistent $200 extra a month.

Physical Macro Goals: Cut has been going slow but I feel like it's working. I feel like I'm
retaining more muscle due to a higher level of protein I'm consuming. Maybe I'll do a kamikaze cut
one of these days, I'd really would like to get back to 200-190lbs is my ideal weight.

Misc Macro Goals: Need to get back to chess'ing, pick an opening repertoire and stick to it.
Trying to get back into guitar'ing as well.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse