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Play More Video Games

I feel like I should play more video games..... there I said it lol.

I was thinking about it yesterday and the rest of the time is kinda comprised
of watching youtube and while for some parts, its educational - the rest
is not and is just kinda noise running in the background per se. It's up to
the point where I sometimes put it on just for white noise, not really listening
or anything.

As the old adage goes, you gotta use it or you lose it.

I feel like it's the same death scroll that TikTok or IG provides, just mind numbing
sounds that doesn't involve your brain to logically think, just getting bombarded with
noise. I feel like I'm losing alot of mental activity because this kind of consumption
doesn't really do anything while playing video games at least involves thinking, using
that noggin to solve certain events.

So I'm gonna cut down on youtubing, and play more video games LOL. who would've thunkit?
I was just thinking of deleting all the PC games I installed because I thought video games
in general is a waste of time but now thinking about it, it's prolly better than incessant
youtube, and now this opens a whole lot of other possibilities.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse