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Science & Spirituality

Even though I am a man of science, I mean I love it and I truly believe it's
an integral part of the universe. I'm also open to the idea of human spirituality.

Personally, I just don't believe that science has achieved 100% understanding of
the universe so there are bound to be holes in the worldview; like for example,
what is gravity actually? what is dark matter? etc etc.

We've made good observations in regards to the universe that heaviliy rely on an
emprical study but that can only explain to a certain extent.

What I believe is that there are phenomenons' in the world that exceeds our current
understanding of the world and when we try to debunk said phenomenons, we are utilizing
the tools we currently have. But what if these said tools can only grasp a certain amount
of information and it's not getting the whole picture.

I'm not trying to convince anyone about my ideas, feel free to believe how you want to believe.
This is just the way I look at the world.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse