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Casual Tennis

So I've been doing the networking rounds, trying to befriend as much tennis players
in my area as I possibly can but for the most part, I've been playing with noobs alot
. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing with them and teaching them but I wish I'd find
some people who are competent in their ground strokes, someone who can give pace and
or topspin balls in for control.

I still have my brother and I've gotten him playing on my Babolat PD racket and he is
doing well with it, nice and deep with some pace. But he's pretty much it and when he is
busy, I'm out of luck.

I do enjoy the teaching though because it's nice to reinforce the ideas by teaching but
I'm afraid that technical wise, if I keep playing with beginners - it's not enough to
to sharpen my tools.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse