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Week In Review - 07142024

Setting goals, I feel like, is what's going to unlock my capabilities (wowzah
, BIG insight lol). Let me explain, I feel like the past few years, the idea
of setting goals has gone out of fashion - the recent trend has been to action
small habits, small little steps towards the goal but the goal itself is not the
focus. Objectively, it sounds legit but I guess subjectively, it doesn't really
work for me, to each their own I suppose.

I feel like for me, without that big macro goal spotlight - my focus and drive
lessens. I need the hype to keep me moving I guess. TBF, I can do with the micro
small habuts but I feel like it doesn't provide the same impact as focusing on the
macro goals.

So my idea is to start setting goals with a super-specific macro goals details.
I find that when people critique macro goal settings, the goals set were very generic;
"I want to be a millionaire" or "I want to lose 20lbs". my idea is that you can do this
, but add the how - just be more specific about the goal.

Wealth Macro Goal: My current goal for this field is I want to be a millionaire by
forex trading and gambling means!
See how I wrote this goal, I have the goal and the means to
make it happen. Maybe I can be more specific by adding in the end "by doiing 3-4 trading sessions
on weekday nights and 1 gambling session on the weekday." Something to this extent.

Physical Macro Goals: My current goal for this area is I want my body to be in an explosive
, athletic state, a slim muscular 200lbs, good enough to compete in tennis or breakdancing by working
out almost everyday!

Misc Macro Goals: I have sub goals for usre, variety is the spice of life but they all kinda hinges
on achieving the first 2 so.....

Overall, this is a WIP system.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse