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Week In Review - 07072024

Wealth: need to allocate more resources into wealth acquisition.
It's not that I'm not interested, I'm just mentally beat - need to figure
how to refresh myself in the afternoon so by the time I get home, I'm ready
to rock and roll. Just low energy, probably the meds keeping me down but the
point is that I need to circumvent it lol. I feel like hacking in itself is
demon arts, always shades of grey no matter how much glossty paint you put on

Physical: Still around 225lbs but it looks like I gained 1% more muscle
than my previous check in (end of May basically). TBF, how can I honestly calculate
my physique besides getting into the professional medical tools - I just kinda gauge
by the number, which I hope is checking the proper spots and just the eye and feel test
. If I still feel bloated and also slow then my current gauge is working just fine.

Misc: Pro level forehands is hard, I got golfers elbow now but I feel like it's
better than getting tennis elbow, but I'm slowly changing my game - fine tuning it to
get to a awesome college level player. Focusing on athleticism and strategy.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse