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Dream Interpretation'ing

I'm 50/50 on dream interpretations, like I do them but I don't hold so much weight
on it. It's a personality thing as I always feel like I can overcome anything thrown
at me. Personally, I actualy have no use for dream interpretations since I rarely
remember my dreams and only a few instances where I did remember, mostly being chased
by a monster.

Recently though, I've had a couple of instances where I dreamnt of driving my car, turn
right and then plowing through a deep pothole. I remember being distinctly angry about the
pothole and how it was ruining the tires of my car. I remember this I guess because of how
angry I felt.

So I ran the dream interpretation via Microsoft Copilot and this is what it gave me..
Driving A Car: symbolizes my journey through life and hitting the pothole may represent
unexpected challenges we are facing.
Hitting A Pothole: symbolizes your frustration over things in life not going smoothly as
one expected.
Anger Management: 'nuff said, I do have some anger issues LOL.
Self Reflection: the pothole could be an event/situation in your life that is causing you
Adaptation: the whole dream itself can be interpreted as a reflection of your attitude towards

The interpretation itself makes sense. I feel like this is logically possible but personally, I don't
feel like it applies to me as I'm pretty good with handling my emotions and facing adversity head on.
I'm the type of person who just powers through everything and let the wind blow to the direction it will
blow - a devil may care attitude is what I feel like is appropriate for me. In general, dream Interpretation
already I feel like is very subjective and generalized, I've always been an outlier so I'm not sure this will
apply to me but it's a good practice, I think. It helps with introspection and maybe, it could be right too -
I'm not completely dismissing it.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse