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Week In Review - 06302024

Still stuttering around but at least I got to play alot of tennis
this week. Maybe I'm just that fatigued and taxed, with everything
pulling at me. Maybe I need a dopamine detox LOL.

Wealth: Making some progress but I need to step it up! Do things
faster, looser, devil may care attitude - live fast, die young, and leave
a good looking corpse. Need to build my forecast tools, and need to build EA
so that I can see it LOL. Need to be inspired by dirty deeds, need the spirit
and flow of money to always be intergrated on myself.

Physical: Like I said, lots of tennis involved this week - working on
my forehand and serve, fine tuning the mechanics. Physically, I've been on my
low cal/high protein meal plan for a week now. I feel like I am losing body fat
albeit somewhat slowly but it's happening and I'm gaining more muscle mass, some
what slightly.

Misc: More mental practices needed, more discipline on this - meditate,
spiritual practices, etc.

live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse......