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Week In Review - 06232024

Not satisfied with this week but I always feel like I should be doing more but
just not motivated. With that said, motivation isn't the key here - I need to
be more disciplned with what I need to do.

Trading: I'm happy with this alpha I found but I need to polish
it more, need more to find more confluences, more filters. As well, I need
to build the tools that'll help me review a pairs and make an informed
decision. I also need to deep dive into candlestick patters, I need more
patterns in my head so when I'm reviewing pairs, my brain can discern what's
a reoccuring pattern.

Physical: changed my meal plan but stuck to the game plan of 1000cal
200g of protein, it's so hard to pull this; I'm going to hit 1300 cal to meet
200g of protein. I'm going to stick to this current iteration for now. Need
to work on my physical activities and training. Currently on an athletic style
of training and alot more focus on specialization, but I need to think of the
training program. Focusing more on shoulders, calf and chest for hypertrophy
, the rest for explosiveness. The goal, always, is to have an explosive body.

Misc: Meditating somewhat regularly, need to polish up this practice,
strengthen this practice in my life. Need to conserve my mental energy from my
day job so I have more energy for my real tasks in the afternoon, need to also
do more, create instead of consume.

lizard people have taken over the wurldo..