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StrengthFinder 2.0

I think I saw this from a youtube video but I ended up buying the book
from a used bookstore. The idea that the book itself presents is not new
, our ancient brethren has been doing this already but I feel like it
wasn't mainstream or anything with the ancients, like this type of thinking
will get you labelled as a heretic and burned in a stake LOL.

I couldn't do the test officially since it was the used book and the original
code has been used already so I had to kinda read the descriptions of the themes
in the book then just kinda picked the one closest to my way of thinking.

Achiever | Strategical | Adaptability | Activator
Achiever is what I classify as a "hard skill" as it permeats my very way of thinking
it's something that I actively drives me everyday and brings me joy. Strategical is
my default way of thinking, dial it in amp it up lol. I classify this as a soft skill
as for the most part, I don't actively have to "strategize" - it's more like a default
way of thinking. Adaptability is a soft skill that is something that is ingrained within
me and Activator, a hard skill, that I'm always trying to level up. Essentially, this
theme is super active if it's stuff that I want to do, now if I can have this trigger for
the stuff I hate doing too, I'll be machine.

Interesting book. I've done something similar years ago on my early twenties as I was doing
some soul searching around that time, trying to find who I really am and what made me tick.
Mind you, the "test" I took more than a decade ago was ancient and relied on personality traits.
I've done some online tests here and there, Myers Briggs, etc. This was the first one that I've
dealt with that's pretty modern.

My current gameplan to implement these and hopefully enrich my plan is to make todo lists and
once it's on the list, just get to it. Or when I choose to do or buy things, it has to be
something that fits my current themes or if there is multiple choices, prioritize then items
that will strengthen me.

While I feel like this is something cool, not sure if this is actually revolutionary. But at least
it simplifies some processes in my life.

lizard people have taken over the wurldo..