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Fathers Day

Today was fathers day, and the first Fathers day without my father.
He passed away last year, which was real sad. I may not look or sound
like it but I feel it; mostly I feel anger as to why my father is gone
while scumbags still roam the Earth. That's why I can never believe in
Catholicism, that a sentient being is in control of the universe, because
if I did, all of my hatred and anger will go towards it.

I would rather prefer to live in a world where everything is mostly random
and that my old man just drew a bad draw in life - then I don't blame anything
but the shitty world mechanic.

I naively wish that my old man has moved on but logically, I think this was the
end of his story. Now it's time to do my part to continue this story.

lizard people have taken over the wurldo..