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Gamedev is hard AF

I decided to write a simple rougelike RPG game to "help" me pass the time
at work. NGL, I'm pretty good at my job but I don't feel like overextending
myself (done that a zillion times and it never really pays off) so I keep
my mouth shut and just stay bored.

I tried looking for one online, I would've thought someone would've created
one by now but I guess CLI games are a dying breed. TBF, I wanted a pure text
RPG and the ones I found are pretty fancy (aka graphics) so I ended up deciding
I want to build one myself.

Some background, I've been on and off with gamedev. It's not something I'm terribly
passionate about but the creating part resonates hard with my artist self so I've tried
a couple of times here and there, nothing serious. I've tried to make a text adventure game
using FICS i think, then I've messed around with RPG Makers of the world, mods, custom FPS
engines, map editor from Quake 2, Javascipt framework for mobile, and recently Godot.

I find the idea intriguing but I've never actually finished or published a game. So like I've
said, I decided to write a simple game via Python.

But oh boy, this is a rabbit hole.

I'm in the brainstorming part of the process I suppose and initially, I was just thinking of
doing something pretty simple but as I go about this; I started thinking of different systems
or what kind of world/theme am I going for, etc etc and now, I'm stuck with so many ideas of
systems I want to implement (different scenarios, deckbuilding'ish, etc) that I'm stuck at this
phase of creationg.

I'm kinda too familiar with this feeling as I'm a musician as well and most of us gets stuck in this
perfectionist sort of process that you never actually release or polish the song because you keep
thinking you can do more with it. I essentially hated that feeling as I've seen it with my friends
as well so I circumvented that by focusing on the release of the song, prioritize releasing the song
and you can do whatever you want after.

That's the feeling that I have but since this is a different environment, my brain hasn't rewired yet
to the solution LOL. Hopefully, I just plan and simplify, have a working model, then I can amend later
on to add whatever cool features I can think of.

Wish me luck LOL.

one plus one equals zero