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AI Journey

With the influx of AI tools coming about, and the feelings of worry
from the peoples who think AI is a tool that will eventually be too
much for humans to control. Personally, I've been enjoying the stuff
I can do with it, especially in regards to rapid application development
. Don't get me wrong, it is so nice that you can just lay out simple programs
with the correct prompt but with that said, I still think you need some
understanding of programming as alot of times, the code that chatGPT spouts
out isn't exactly the best.

I more see it as a tool and eventually when it becomes too powerful, or something
, I'm hoping I don't get targeted because I embraced the technology first hand.

So far, I have a couple of tools that is in my rotation for practical usage and
eventually, once the parts for my computer upgrade come, I can finally work on
my personal GPT using my journal as a knowledgebase. I also want to create a
chessGPT so I can have it annotate some games akin to the Deep Fritz program
(probably the only chess program I've seen that has detailed annotation, theres
probably new cloud based ones online that I haven't really checked yet though).

Below are the AI tools I'm currently using:

chatGPT: the grandfather of AI GPT. I love it and I still use it to this
day as it is updated pretty well.
vircuna-wizard-uncensored: similir to chatGPT but uncensored so the topics
you can't really do in chatGPT, this is my alternative.
Google Collab: I just started using it and I find the code it outputs is pretty
workable alot of the times, compared to chatGPT where you really got to baby it to
get the correct output. Microsoft Copilot: I just started using this but more so for image generation.
I think it's unlimited but tbf, I haven't hit the cap yet so all is good. Ollama: a platform that serves as platform for local based GPT. it's a framework
so you can setup LLM locally in your computer. git/github: so I can download and setup LLMs locally, but manually, compared to Ollama
where it's pretty much click click boom. I used it for AI tools that is not covered by Ollama
such as XTTS tools so I can clone my voice.

Overall, I love the AI tools as it helps me get my work down faster. Feels like my productivity
has been up since discovering and implementing this in my workflow. I'm look at this new framework
called Fabric, it looks like it can help summarize anything for you but I'm sure it can do more
things, that aspect was the thing that really stood out to me. I would like to do more things with
AI tools, like recently, I've seen some sort of Jarvis looking setup which I thought was really rad.
I also want to setup my own rabbit type gizmo but that's a bit far off at the moment.

Anyways, hail my AI overlords.

SKYNET is real.....