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Manjaro XFCE

I've been running my new desktop setup for a little bit now, running pretty
vanilla, not alot of mods on Win10 - TBH, I'll prolly run this for a month
or so then start thinking of ways to modify my setup. With that said, I always
have an alt OS running; just because for shenanigans but this time around, I want
my own custom Linux distro that I can deploy in any PC that I want Linux on.

Most of the time, I just kinda employ TinyCore just to get it running but like
I said, I want my own flavour/setup ready to go. It's been like this since I ended up
using Scoop for Win and I wrote a Powershell script that installs all the base programs
that I use (I love package managers in Windows since I restart my main PC all the time, so
much easier to reset computer).

As always, I always have in mind that the PC that I will end up using is underpowered,
since I have alot of them laying around the house, so I had to decide on using a light
weight distro. I ended up choosing Manjaro XFCE flavour, TBF I could've just used
vanilla Arch but installing in a virtual environment sucks and I wanted something kinda
already setup so I can start playing with it. Eventually, I will do the vanilla Arch way
from scratch one of these days.

The goal is to have an customized, lightweight OS that is easy to setup on to other computers.
It will also serve as a base for my custom projects, test out stuff. I doubt I will move my
development work from Windows but we'll see - maybe I'll find it easier to do programming work

So why choose Manjaro XFCE? Well, I know I love the Arch distro and it will always be my base
- to be fair, I love Arch, TinyCore and PuppyLinux but the latter 2 I believe is not as
supported as Arch - and I'm too much of a functionalist to build my own programs for said
distros' when one is already way supported by the community. Secondly, I needed a desktop
environment - some stuff just doesn't work well without a DE and I chose XFCE since it was
the lightweight.

What are my goals with this project? I don't like the bloat of Kali so I'm going to build my
distro for what I will use it for; mostly RE & OSINT stuff, some malware stuff, and recon stuff.
Basically, anything I want to do in the down low - I will run it through this distro.

One step down, a couple thousand more to go.

lizard people have taken over the wurldo..