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Hacker Mindset

I was going to write something witty here but for the life of me,
I can't remember. Anyways.....

These days, I feel like the word hacker has lost its' original meaning.
These days, if you say hacker - you're either a game cheater or you're a
cybersecurity professional. Personally, I still subscribe to the old school
definition which is somewhat of a rogue techie who likes to tinker with things.

And this is not my old man shaking fist at cloud moment, I sincerely feel that
when I hear the word hacker, they are describing something very foreign to me.
The closest thing that follows the mentality of an OG hackers are the hardware
hackers, they just tinker and build shit just for the heck of it.

For example, we use this frontend Win95 looking program to enter orders and shit.
For certain accounts, there is a cap of how much they can spend on their credit. One
of the accounts I take care of is constantly over their limit and I have to get a
supervisor to override and confirm the entry. Well I enter alot of orders for this
account and I got sick of asking a supervisor to override and approve all the time
so I started thinking on how to circumvent this option.

After thinking for abit, I decided to try something and it worked. Now I never have to
ask my supervisor over just so she can confirm my orders and I just enter away at my

To be fair, what I did wasn't tech savvy but I feel like it's in the spirit of hacker-fu.
I looked at a system, explored and found a loophole, and I circumvented the security.
I'm pretty sure there's a good reason why the cap is there but after observing for a
couple of months now, safe to say there's no actual imprint on what I do to our ecosystem.

I miss the days when hackers just hack shit just out of curiousity, I guess we're
still out there but I haven't found my kin yet lol.

lizard people have taken over the wurldo..