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Everything Sucks

Yep, I know bro - 2023 has kicked you in the nuts a couple of times
then proceeded to kick you while you're eating your own shit on the

You're barely sleeping, you're life isn't where you want it to be, body
is kinda crashing down on you sometimes. etc etc.

Should I start looking at God for direction about life.....

LOL noppers.

A wise man once said, "what does down, must go up" - which is one of the
truest things in life so what does that mean for me? Well lady luck favours
the bold so I need to get my arse moving again, I've just been stagnant - which
sucks, I feel like I have no direction but the truth is, I have plenty of directions
, I just don't choose and act.

So choose! and act!

Lets get it.

loren ipsum