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World of Warcraft Vanilla

I tried playing WoW again because strimmers are really on it right now and
I wanted to see what was all the hype. I've played this before but it didn't
really grab me but lately, I've been watching the King of the Roaches, Asmongold
alot so I've been kinda familiarized with the game and lore so maybe, I'll
like it more since I'm more familiar with it.

I chose a warrior obviously and I started to play, to feel bored with the game
10 minutes into it lol.

I just don't like the game, I don't like the design and aesthetic, the lore is cool
and maybe if the graphics were closer to BDO or Everquest then maybe I'd be more immersed
but the game design is kinda cartoony. I also don't like the battle mechanics, I'd prefer
to be either purely turn based or action/timing based, not this click on mechanic, also the
same reason I can't get into MOBAs' or other MMORPG.

Objectively, I don't think anything is wrong with the game itself - it's just not my style.

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