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Sidebar Diagnostics

I really liked this system monitor, it reminded me of the widgets they have for Linux
but I found a recent error with it that the program allocates a giant chunk of memory
to it - maybe a memory leak (at one point, it took up to 5GB) but I decided to switch
off from it.

Since I'm in the process of trying to convert most of the programs I run as CLI anyways,
I figured this is the time to try out some of the monitoring apps available for windows.

ntop: Kinda basic but I need something more from this.

bottom: Looks good but I don't really need the graphics per se, I don't need to know
which process is running, I just need to know memory allocation with my RAM & VRAM as I
constantly benchmark pc games because I have a low spec PC lol.

I'm currently using bottom but I might end up writing my own app, NGL. I would need the info
such as PC name and core usages and temps, RAM usage, GPU usage and temp, network usage. and
maybe hard drive info (size mostly).

loren ipsum