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Walk The Walk

A moment of introspection....

Lately, my anxiety has been in an all time high. To be fair, life has really kicked
me in the balls hard in 2023 so to the objective viewer, it sounds reasonable. But I'm
not interested in the problem per se, I'm more interested in finding a solution.

If I really think about it, its feel like my anxiety resistance is in an all time
low. Like in technical terms, it feels like the filter has been battered and overused
and I am leaking or the mental shield is degrading, etc. or in another sense, my resistance
has been worn down to the point where I've been weakened. Overall, my mental defense is in
an all time low.

But how do you go about strengthening your mental defenses? Is there like books of psychology
that even treat this kind issue. I could always go back to the wyrd arcane ways of the world
but deep down, I don't think it's worth it..... but at the point of where I am now, should I

Well, down to the rabbit hole I go to figure out things again.

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