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Learning The Violin

Alot of my things in my life are inspired by things that inspire me.
One of my greatest inspirations is Sherlock Holmes; if you understand
the characters logic, you'd be surprise how easily my thinking can be
decrypted. With that said, I even took the music part from him.

Now to be fair, rock and roll had a big influence on my musical leanings
as well, thats why I have a guitar collection and played in a band. There
was also an old Phillipines cartoon that I used to watch, thats why I learned
how to play the flute, and Sherlock was the reason I wanted to learn how to play

Now go back, maybe a decade or so ago, my sister bought me a cheap violin for
Christmas and till today, I still don't know how to play. TBF, I seriously wanted
to get better at guitar, and being in an original band means my time is taken by
wanting to become better at my craft (guitaring, songwriting, misc band stuff) so I
hyper-focused at that (also TBF, I'm still shit on guitar lol).

The second reason was being bad at violin sounds really bad. Being bad at piano or
guitar doesn't make you sound like a dying cat screeching its' last breath - you just
sound bad but a violin is incredibly noticable. Also, I've been teaching myself for
years so I couldn't bring myself to hire a coach.

Fast forward a couple of years back, maybe 2 years ago, and I bought myself an electric
violin. First problem solved, now I can only get annoyed with my bad playing. 3rd reason
was I didn't know how to use the bow properly (fixed that by putting more rosin on it) so
now, Oct 17th, I finally decided to practice.

I'm trying to learn Poor Wayfaring Stranger as this is the song I always try to learn on all
intruments that I'm learning, I know this for flute, guitar, harmonica and piano. I'm learning
it on violin right now and I might try to learn this on a Ukelele as well.

I want to get the basics down, learn this song and maybe a Christmas song. In realisty, I just
want to learn the basics and make good sounds because learning songs will be easy since I
technically know music (I still remember some theory but it's been awhile) and I have to practice
sight reading again. Then eventually, I want to write a violin ditty for an EP.

I personally think violins are cool and sexy in a sophisticated way, kinda like knowing how to play
chess. Guitars are sexy in a raw emotion kinda way, kinda like how a bad boy approaches you and you
know he's a bad boy, he knows he's a bad boy and he doesn't give a fuck.

But alas, I'm still far away from that sophisticated sound/form. Time to put in alot of practice lol.

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