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Retiring Raid Shadow Legends [EDIT: NVM]

It is Day 234 and I'm Lvl 58 in this game called Raid Shadow Legends and
I think it's finally time to retire from the "game". TBF, I only played this
game as a F2P, I never spent any money on this thing but I feel like it's starting
to become a chore to keep going and a time sink (which I don't like).

The daily rewards takes around 3 hours I think to fully complete and I hate that
FOMO feeling, there is also no "real" endgame in here just grinding to that next level
and I use that term loosely since there is no real endgame here - you decide where the
endgame is and I decide that the endgame for me is here.

Nothing really bad about the game per se, it's just a time sink where I could be putting
my time elsewhere - I also dislike the fact that it became part of my life routine, logging
every 20:00 so I can start doing my daily grind. It's literally clicking buttons and the
ultimate timesink.

But it is kinda hard to put down, I mean I got to level 58 and day 234 as a free to play player.
This is where the FOMO kicks in because I feel like I spent so much time on this and the amount
of stuff I'll be missing. Kinda funny because it's just a feeling, the game literally stops when
you stop playing - like a real gambling degen, I gets the feelings of FOMO but it's just an illusion
because you're not missing out on anything, just a potential of something but that's not a 100%
guarantee LOL.

I'm speaking like a true degen gambling addict LOL. Mind you, this is prolly better than playing
roulette but TBF, I could be making money instead of wasting my time - but this time waster doesn't
risk me losing money LOL.

The conundrum.....

EDIT: NVM - I offloaded that to my 2nd PC, I was thinking of doing that initially but Bluestacks did
not like to cooperate with my ALT PC so I ended up looking for the PC Android emulators, and I ended
up choosing LDPlayer which seems to be alot more resource light in consumption, so I have it on there
while I do my main work in my main PC lol. Also, uninstalling Bluestacks in favor of LDPlayer in my main
PC as well.

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