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My First PC

I remember my first PC quite fondly, I can't remember the architecture
it was but I feel like it was really old school, way before Pentium 1s'.
Could be a 286 CPU really, I remember the 2 5 1/4 floppy drives, it didn't
even have a hard drive. I ran DOS off the floppy disk and had some sort of
DOS manual on hand. I only had the basics of programs and utilities and had
Zork, Ancients Art of War and Rogue.

I don't remember what I ended up doing with that thing before we got a Pentium
1 from Radio Shack but I do remember getting a used x286 laptop which was super
cool as it had a dial up modem where I can log in to BBS (that's a whole another
story for another time LOL)

Back to the desktop, I remeber BASIC was on it, some sort of File Explorer, EDIT
but what I really learned from that PC is command line scripting (which is something
to this day still adore and utilize with Windows 11 lol). I actually got pretty good
at it as I tried to reverse engineer and clone programs that I didn't have access to.
My greatest work was creating a GUI ASCII frontend for all the stuff that I ran.

As a noob PC enthusiast, and a new immigrant in Canada, there was some rough bumps along
the way - like I ended up formatting the original DOS floppy disk because I interpreted
the description of the program as "optimization" (boy was I wrong lol).

Anyways, it was a blast - I didn't really game on that thing, I played Ancients Art of War
alot but not gamer alot and even though I played Rogue and loved the idea and design of the
game - I never actually finished it. Heck, I found Zork too hard as well LOL. I did alot more
tinkering with that PC, see how I can push it and what it can do. I didn't even learn how to
program till I built m@1nfram3 as I was more of a hardware tinkerer.

loren ipsum