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I Love The Star Wars Universe

Ok, I'm gonna be honest - I love some of the Star War movie aspects but
not all of it - like I wasn't a big fan of the ideology, I always thought
that the Jedi order was too archaic in thinking, especially something that
is supposed to be set in the future. I didn't like how polished the movie
universe was - everything felt so psuedo-utopian. Luke & Leai were kinda meh
characters for me.

But with that said, I really enjoy the ideas that came out of the original

To be more concise, I like the gritty aspects of Star Wars.

I love the aspect of the universe that Han Solo lived in, the gritty underground
parts of Star Wars. I like the urban city-scapes Anakin explored. I love the idea
of the Mandolorians. I like the extended universe. I like Ahsoka, Sabine, and General
Syndulla (I really enjoy Mary Elizabeth Winstead lol, I think she's so cool since Scott
Pilgrim). I like the games. I like the tech. Heck, I even enjoyed Rey & Kylo Ren.

I enjoyed most episodes of the Mandolorian. I just finished watching Obi Wan. I'm watching
Ahsoka right now. I played some of Jedi Fallen Order. I might start playing KOTOR instead of
finishing Mass Effect II. I enjoyed playing alot of Jedi Knight and I think Kyle Katarn is the
streotype of an awesome anti-hero. I like the idea of playing around with the good and dark side
of the force. I might start collecting some stuff about the extended universe soon ngl.

Overall, I enjoy the Star Wars universe - just not the mainstream things people enjoy I suppose.

in a galaxy far, far away.....