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My Favorite Free & Open Source Software

To me, open source programs = free, not the fake ones where they have that
label but you have to pay for it somewhat (ala subscription), I consider those
not in the open source spirit. With that said, open source programs have jumped
up leaps and bounds in quality - there's always an open source equivalent to a
commercial one which is nice.

Below is a small list of open source programs I used in my main computer, my arch
laptop is eventually going to be security focused tool so I feel like it doesn't
gel with the spirit of this rant. My alt desktop is really just a file/media server
just runs Win10 as well with minimal programs installed.

KDENLIVE: So far my favorite video editor, I use it all the time.
I like the features it has, especially the audio subtitle creator but TBF,
I haven't played enough with it to know the advance features so I can't really
say what features it's missing in comparison to the Adobes of the world.

Audacity: For quick audio editing, this is a pretty powerful tool.

LMMS: An open source digital audio workstation, I think it has most of
the features one can expect from a commercial DAW, maybe plugins support but this
is the same case with Kdenlive, I haven't played with it long enough to know its'

Archlinux: My favorite linux distro, I enjoy the elitism that comes with the
distro (LOL) but I moreso enjoy the minimalism that it comes with. It reminds me of
my Windows DOS days where I had to install everything myself for my desktop to work.

RSSGuard: My current RSS reader. Mind you, I'm creating my own TUI RSS reader
because I want mt RSS reader in the terminal. But I liked this one as a GUI compared to
QuietRSS - not really a big reason, I liked RSSGuard design better I suppose.

ZIM: My personal wiki, I use it as one would use Notion. When I was looking to create
my own personal wiki, I had an idea of what I wanted; offline first off, then a simple file
system and creation (this wiki uses markdown text files and simple folder directory) - just
in case I wanted to create something more robust out of it (like encrytion or sync across all
platforms - all a WIP BTW).

Notepad++: I take alot of notes, and I also do alot of editing so Notepadd++ is my goto
just because I always end up editing the same files all of the time so the "recently opened files"
feature is really nice but TBF, if nano had that feature - I think I will jump at it full time.

Minetest: My favorite Minecraft clone (I do own Minecraft as well lol, bought it to support
the developer lol, not that he needs my money). I remember installing this a decade ago and the mod
support was ok but these past few years, the mod support has really gone up a level.

Barrier: An open source virtual KVM. I used to have this setup manually between my main and alt
desktop but now since I have this installed, I have it running on all of my computers and laptop.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing a bunch that I use but these are the ones that are a staple of my work
flow that I remember offhand. I don't use open source office suite programs like Libre nor do I generally
do visual art editing (I do have GIMP installed but I mainly use Paint or Canvas)

rant: 20230925