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Custom Powershell CLI

I finally got into customizing my command line.... well tbf, I
finally got out of the generic command line prompt into something
more interesting looking but tbh, it's not really mine per se - I
just copied something off the internet but it's pretty nifty, and now
I know it's possible so I might gander into it more deeply later on in
my adventures.

There's some nifty plugins that can make it super customized but right now,
I chose a somewhat easier method of just using Powershell commands at the
moment. I have in my prompt; elevated command, current user, simple folder
location, date and time, and timestamp.

I guess my biggest problem at the moment is finding inspiration on what I
want to put up there. I mean I like the customization and it does look purty but
I want something practical up there as well. I love the aesthetic but I love being
practical more lol.

purty, so very purty