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AMD Athlon X4 Club

Today, I decided to finally overclock my home server. This was the
first computer I ever owned and bought by myself, over a decade ago,
and it was pretty much my workhorse till my sister bought me the Optiplex
3020 a couple of years ago.

The only reason I decided to overclock this because I was trying to OC my
3020 to no avail (so far), seems to be OEM lock but TBH; if there is a will,
there is a way. (and I got all the time in the world to wait for someone to make
it happen LOL)

With that said, see below; so far I've been able to overclock this system with up
to stable numbers mentioned below. Anything above that, the computer will shut down.
Now I need to figure out RAM overclocking without the hassle of bricking my system and
me having to pull out the CMOS battery to restart MOBA. GPU overclocking should be ok.

Athlon II X4 type: 635
CPU stepping and mnfg date: C3
Clock Speed: 3250 mhz
FSB x Multi: 250 x13.0
Vcore: 1.32v
RAM Speed: DDR2 @ 400 mhz
NB Speed: 2500mhz
NB Voltage: Auto
HT Link: 2500mhz
HT Voltage: Auto
Motherboard: ASUS M4A78L-M
Cooling method: Open Air System
HSF Used or Water Block: N/A
CPU-Z validation would also be nice: offline screenshot
OS Used: Windows 10 Pro

if there is a will, there is a way