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An Algo World

I want to have the infinite money cheat code.....but in real life.
To be perfectly honest, I think I mentioned it before but I never really
cared about money and wealth before; my ideal life was being a martial artist
in the mountains of Osaka training traditional karate, or just being a dumpy
wannabe rock star - playing music living in crappy studios with my goth satanic

Somewhere along the way though, that changed, when I realized that money equates power
these days and I really wanted that kind of power. Digging more deeply, I assume I've
always been the type that has been tempted or drawn to power - I mean think about it,
learning karate or being a rockstar is an attempt towards some kind of power, albeit a
different kind of power but power nonetheless.

So I've been doing my due diligence, learning and training in the ways of currency trading.
I've always thought that currency trading has the easiest entry level but the hardest type
of trading to master, epecially these days when quantitative and algorithmic trading are
basically the staple and the bread and butter of high end traders.

I actually enjoy this era of trading because technology is my jam and I always like to tinker
with it in ways not really the standard. I may not be a math wiz, nor have a degree in finance
but I do have the street smarts, and the imagination to think and live outside the box.

I want to succeed, and I will succeed.

loren ipsum