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Wealth Mindset

As someone for the majority of their life, wasn't concerned about money
in general, the shift to giving wealth more value (pun intended) has been
a struggle of sorts. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy making money, I do enjoy
spending the money - and we can all go in the philosophical journey of how I'm
just filling my empty soul with things which doesn't really help the actual
life problem but TBH, logically, having no money these days pretty much is like
having no power to compete in the modern world.

To be fair, there are plenty of ways to compete in the world; you can go in a loner
sort of wilderness vibe that or you can just violently take what you want. But with
that said, there are costs to doing things a certain way and I'm not willing to go down
the paths I mentioned above because I feel like the cost will be me more than I want.

So I choose to make money, lots of money; money = powah!!

I am just so at awe at people who are money/hustle mentality. For example, some people are
making bank off writing cheats for video games, or the extremely popular influencer market,
actual entrepreneurs or startup gurus.

But alot of these means factor in people, people who are willing to spend their money on you.
Personally, I've never been a fan of those - thats why I never bothered with following these
trends. My thinking has always been to make money off gaming the system, not the people. To an
extent, I can't avoid people as they are the other players but I do not enjoy taking money off
sheep in a sense.

Focus!! Shift your mental game to making money, acquiring wealth and assets, and playing in the
macro level of the world.

work smart, not hard