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My Desktop Workflow [2023]

I'm not a computer professional, I'm more of an avid amateur enthusiast
who got exposed to the hacking scene way early in his childhood and gravitated
towards it because it resonated with his soul. It's been 2 decades since and
I still thoroughly enjoy it. With that said, my "stack" has changed since I first
started and the software I employ, depending on the project.

I have my staples which is currently listed in a handy powershell script so that when
I do a hard reboot, software is going to be less painfully installed. (One of the updates
that I am thankful for Microsoft.)

Whenever I turn on my computer, I always have a couple of things on my monitor - I run a dual
monitor setup; once you go dual, you never go back (lol). I have Terminal, File Explorer,
Notepad++, and these days - Bluestacks on the left monitor. Most of the time, my left monitor
serves passively; I'll have Discord or Excel there. I also have Sidebar Diagnostics so I can review
how hawt the PC is running at.

My main monitor is just a RCA TV I plugged in to my PC, never really understood why you needed a
computer monitor unless you need it specifically for your project or gaming but TBH, it works fine
for me. I always have Chrome, ZIM and or VSCODE running. Chrome for research, ZIM is my personal
wiki and VSCODE for the l33t hackerm0n work LOL.

I normally do quick programming projects, or research as I am an aspiring forex trader - I eventually
want to branch out to actual gambling but that's not in the cards at the moment (see what I did there
KEKW). I also have something running in the background; either a podcast or music. I actually want to
transition into doing more physcial projects but I think I'll need a bigger workspace lol.

*SIGH* So many things to do, so little time.

i'm now an apple guy...again.