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Practical OSINT

I have this little….. game where I play along with a suspicious accounts
online till they eventually end up asking me for money.

Sometimes it’s only a couple of exchanges, sometimes its weeks till they
get to their final ploy.

Today, we meet “Karlee”.

Like Every Other Story

I end up signing to numerous “networking” app in hopes of building up my
network and finding interesting people with interesting ideas and or endeavors.
The newest one I signed up on is “Connected2.Me” – apparently an anonymous
chatting app on Android and Iphone, somewhat similar to IIRC.

I signed up and stuff and afterwards, anonymous accounts start messaging me.
To be honest, out of like 50 or so accounts that messaged me – one was real,
and 2nd one was I think real, but kinda a weirdo (LOL).

One of the “people” that messaged me was this “person” whom we shall call
Karlee. And lets just say, she was a professional pleasure provider who was
trying to “market” her services to me.

She sent me some pics and a vid, then she asked me to send her a steam gift
card for more VIP services. She was really adamant that we should meet up but
the golden rules of these transactions are 1) never go with someone who asks
for a full deposit and 2) only see vouched providers.

All Fake Things Must Come To An End

She was playing all the cards but I wasn’t buying, and I was giving her a hard time.
So much so that if she was a real professional, she should’ve ditched me as I was
being a pain in the ass.

As a security test, I asked her to send me a selfie of her holding 3 fingers near
her face. She sent me kinda a selfie but I found it odd that she was wearing a
PornHub hoodie out of all the things and that kinda set my spider sense into

So I downloaded the selfie and used Google Image to see if this picture was on the
internet and lo and behold, it’s a picture of popular pornstar Karlee Grey. You may
believe me or not (lol) but I don’t watch enough porn to remember porn stars and
their names so forgive me if I didn’t catch this on the initial pictures but it just
shows, being wary of everyone online is always a good thing.

Needless to say, “it” stopped messaging me afterwards.