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Today, I decided to do something a little different with my domain.
Previously, I’ve only been using WordPress as the main front page and CMS but today, I decided to separate the 2 entities; the main/front page will be a custom work programmed by me and for the technical writing part, I decided to create a subdomain (blog dot carlobisda dot com).
Why did I decide to do this?
First, I was initially drawn to web design by interesting web designs in the late 90s’ (anyone remember those geocities pages?). I especially remember the anime inspired blogs that was full of spunk and the design reminds me of a more cruder aesthetic that Persona 4-5 follows (pastel colors, extravagant and “cool” designs). The front end design these days are lacking…. imagination to say the least.
Even my initial offering, it very much follows the “guidelines” of todays proper web design but as I eventually get back into the hang of graphics editing and HTML’ing, my front page will eventually become alot more eye-catching (maybe I can make dual versions of the site monkaHmmm).
Secondly, my writings will always be somewhat be technical so I didn’t want the front design taking anything away from it – thats why I ended up choosing this very minimalist wordpress theme (Moina Lite). I might eventually write a custom one again once I feel like coming up to the modern standards of wordpress theme’ing but for now, I like this anyways.
Anyways, see ya space cowboys…..