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Android TODO App Using Flask

I've been learning how to do some data engineering recently and the
chapter that I am on essentially is about Flask so I decided to learn
how to create a TODO list app that I can port towards Android.

A TODO app you say, how boring? LOL.

Well to be fair, a todo app is kinda been done already but I'm thinking of
something a bit more spicy for my app. Essentially, I want the app in Android
as the frontend but I want the backend (aka Flask) to access the DB locally
in my computer where I can run a more sophisticated system that can tie in
with my personal page.

So calling what I'm thinking of creating a "TODO app" kinda does it a
disservice IMHO. I prefer to think of it as a "Life Dashboard" or a "Productivity
Tool" something akin to the cyberpunk video game dashboard. Eventually I want to
be able to tie it in with smart watches and whatnot, a fullstack life monitor.

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