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BBS Servers In 2023

For anyone who is not a boomer, they might not understand what a BBS (short
form for Bulletin Board System) - back in the day, it was pretty much the internet;
it was a very micro-centric forum that you mostly had to dial up to connect (yes..
we had to use the telephone landline to call the BBS server).

If I remember correctly, I found a one through a websearch; keep in mind, this is AOL type
of internet so it was still pretty new, Netscape was still around and the remnants of the old
culture (aka BBS) was still around. I used an old laptop with a working dialup modem and away
I go. I really learned about hacking and the culture from BBS, I downloaded everything I can
every BBS I can connect to which eventually got me booked for hacking.....

But that story is for another day LOL.

Fast forward 2023, and they are still around - surprising since the tech age is around when IRC
was still bopping. As well, there are so many better modern alternatives like Reddit, 4Chan and
Discord that it blows BBS away. With that said, I am aware that it's mostly OG boomers that
actually remembers this technology fondly so it might just be for nostalgia. Even myself, I do
have fond memories of BBS as mentioned above.

So with that all said and done, I think I might setup a BBS LOL.

loren ipsum