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Cheating In Video Games

I mainly play this FPS extraction looter shooter called Escape From Tarkov and
right now, it's exceptionally infested with cheaters. The community is always up and arms
about it - just a couple of days ago, a company game launcher plugin was hacked
and a cheater merchant was advertised (LMAO) when you open it.

Not here's what I think about cheaters/cheating in general, it's simple economics.

Hackers are just hackers, basically they are a fundamental in the world. These cheat
developers will make cheats for whatever is popular - so basically Supply & Demand. There's
a demand for it so the cheat developers will supply the demand. I essentially think this is
a human condition, that alot of people wants to cheat thus cheat developers supply the cheats.
If there was no one that wanted to cheat in EFT, there would be no cheat developers for the
game; well not in the large outbreak that we have right now, just the normal miscreants but
overall, it will be a miniscule percentage of the player base.

No matter what your motivation is, cheating is cheating; I'm not going to play the social
morality card here cuz I for one has skirted the lines here and there just to get to a achieve a
certain goal but with that said, I feel like this is nothing new - just more magnified due to the
connectiveness of everyone in the gaming sphere. TBH, I would like to see which regions have more
cheaters active in games (if that is even possible).

I for one don't see an easy solution unless we take an extreme approach like in South Korea where
if you were caught cheating, you're essentially banned for life.

P.S: I'm actually surprised how much cheaters there are in extraction looter games initially, I
expected it more in competitive games but I feel like almost every FPS type games have cheaters. I
for one hasn't seen a UNO or Monopoly cheater but I wouldn't be surprised if there is LOL.

why so mad bruh?