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1864 Weeks Left.....

I started this practice about a year ago when I started reading more of stoicism
philosopy - this practice is relevant to the saying of "Memento Mori", which translates
to "Remember you must die". Essentially, it's about reminding yourself of your mortality
and that since life is so short, you must focus on living you best life and try to downplay
the non-essentials.

I'm paraphasing of course but that is essentially what the saying is. Also it might
seem that I have a fatalist sort of mentality but TBH, I feel like I need the constant
reminder. I think it was Elon that once said in an interview that essentially, humans
tend to underestimate how much time they have while overestimating the time they need.

As well, if I look at it in a life gamification sort of way; it's like my life points
slowly going down the drain - life is a roguelike with no resets LOL.

hakuna matata