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Personal Website v4

To be honest, I was reading though the recent hackerNews newsletter and I saw an
article regarding Vanilla HTML. I checked it out for abit and lo and behold, I really
enjoyed the aesthetic and thought to myself, why not LOL. So I started to convert this
website to vanilla HTML.

As I mentioned before, I am a somewhat failed frontend web developer as I eventually
learned that I don't really enjoy the mainstream and clientele design work. I just like
certain art forms and I form my ideas around it. If I really wanted to be a webdev, I guess
I could've doubled down and become a very niche boutique developer but it didn't really
interest me enough that I would fight tooth and nail for it.

With that said, I really do enjoy the vanilla look. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the
fancy websites as well but something about the barebones really resonates with my artistic
soul (LOL). One of the wordpress themes I created was pretty much a reinvention of the
minimalistic theme under the Wordpress framework so this is not something new for me. Even
my previous design is very minimalistic by todays standards.

I'm currently nursing a cold at the moment so I just started doing this light work.
Hope I can be done by this week so I can work on other stuff xD.

.....from the deranged mind of the doctor who lost his box