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Create Instead of Consume

Maybe I've mentioned before but I truly enjoyed tinkering. That's why I somewhat
gravitate towards RAD (rapid application development) tools because I want to create
quickly, I'm not really interested in complete "mastery" per se. I see those things
as tool and the quicker I can create my vision, the better for me.

That's why I am enjoying chatGPT so much, it's like the easiest version of what I
use Google for - quickly search for solutions. I already created a bunch of stuff
thanks to it.

I've noticed recently that my passion for "creating" has dwindled, especially since
I stopped creating music - which was my main passion for creating. I am to change that
by limiting things that I consume; twitch TV is my main time sink these days, then
video games and making tools of creation much more accessible to me.

So I started uninstalling most video games in my main computer, with the exception
of games I use as educational tools for my neice. I installed RPG Maker MV and FPS
Creator so I can whet my appetite on some quick game creation. I also cleaned up my
Python environments so I can systemize my tool development. There are some tools
already installed that I utilize somewhat infrequently (like video editing, music
creation tools and Arduino programming environment) that I will focus on getting on,
and I will drive myself to play some more guitar.

And with the mention of chatGPT, I've been really keen on machine learning; I've
been playing around with DeepFakeLab with great success and will be playing around
with AI voice synthesizer for my next project.

I've also been on a good routine of physical exercising, need to work on calorie
restriction but I think I am on track. And this website is somewhat an output of
creation so there's that.

I'm still unsure on video creating (vlogging), I'm trying because I'm fond of
capturing but I don't know if I'm fond of content creation. [1] Even with this
website, to an extent, is just a mind dump for me; it's not really for consumption
of others.

Overall, I've been on a good pace with the start of 2023.

[1] As I wrote that sentence, I made a realization; maybe I should get the idea
of "content creation" out of my head (content creation in a sense that it's for
consumption of others) and just realize that it's for personal use and if people
like it, so be it. With that said, I do have an idea for a focused content creation