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Not Smart

I went to a job interview yesterday and the COO made a comment
regarding my resume, which I was applying for a job that I'm
overqualified for. I kinda laughed it off but it made me personally

Personally, I don't think I'm very smart - compared to the traditional
smart folks, but I do have my gifts with that said.

One of them is that I'm dumb LOL.

Let me clarify, I'm dumb in a sense that I will power through something
pass common sense. I need to see it through, and by default, I used to
take action alot more. My secret in general is that I work hard, and
diligently - and I am a quick learner, thus giving the illusion that I
am "smart".

So I tend to be "street" smarts backed w/ some "book" smarts - I
personally believe my youngest brother is smarter than me in a traditional