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Why I Didn't Stream On Twitch?

A couple of years ago, I got into Twitch culture heavily - especially in
the Twitch chess community.

As I watched, I thought I could do a better job than most of the streamers
I saw (in all genres) because I personally thought I'd be a better
entertainer than most and I can most likely build a better community given
the chance. (As well, I thought it'd be a neat side hustle)

I probably streamed 2x and never got back into it.

Why you ask?

There was a couple of things but my main reason was the dependency towards
your viewers to make an income. Initially, my main motivator to stream was
for money. It's kinda hard to explain but basically, I was using "income"
as a gauge for streaming success. Views are nice and engagement was nice
but I thought that was more relevant for Youtube - for streaming, subs and
donos were king.

But with that said, I was at the point in my life where I didn't want to
have a "boss". I was transitioning off the industry I was on while working
on my stuff. I didn't like the fact that I had to rely on other people to
fund me and that I was tying myself to this form of chain - I hated the idea
and it really irked me deep in my soul

But it's 2023 now and my ideas about certain things in life has changed.

So I'm thinking about streaming, just need to find the resolve.